Crown & Bridge Bundle
Take your crown and bridge procedure to the next level with our crown and bridge bundle.
First, use the Max Crown Spreader™ to remove an old crown needing replacement in about one minute. At the next appointment, use Tempoff® to quickly and predictably remove your temporary — no need to cut the temporary off or anesthetise the patient. Imagine the time you can save with this bundle!
Trying on your permanent crown and it gets stuck? Install Crown Gripps™ directly on to your TempOff® instrument and you can easily and comfortably remove the stubborn “stuck” crown. Whether you are working on a temporary or permanent crown – this bundle is all you need!
This bundle includes: 1 TempOff®, 1 Max Crown Spreader™, and 1 pack of 60 Crown Gripps™.

Max Crown Spreader™
The powerful tines of the instrument are made to precisely match the grooves made with our 331 Cuda™ Bur. The multi-directional tips allow you to approach from any angle or any direction. This gives you more power to flare the crown and break its cement contact.

TempOff® is a truly unique instrument that quickly and easily removes temporary crowns of all types and brands. The stable, 4-point contact tip provides a firm, non-slip grip so you can lock onto temporaries of all types. More efficient provisional removal (usually in 2-3 seconds!) and virtually pain-free for the patient.

Crown Gripps™
These disposable pads allow easy retrieval of uncemented ceramic restorations without damage to the porcelain. Gives simple access to hard to reach posterior areas. Retrieving the restorations with Crown Gripps™ will not smudge or remove your articulating marks.